WINO 1.0 - Wine Inventory 'n' Organizer
    We're still "recovering" from all the wine tasting, but things are up and running, sorta.

    If you know the people who are running this page, they are now adding users by request only. Email the appropriate person and they'll add you. If you don't know the people running this page, we would still like to hear from you. Please email us at

    Would you like to help? In addition to having and using your account, there are many other ways in which you can help. If you drink a bottle of wine at home - scan in the label and send it to us. Have a bottle you haven't consumed yet? Take a digital picture of it. Visiting a Winery? Take a picture of the outside. All of this will be helpful to the Wino staff. Thanks.

    Wino Staff

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Number of Wineries: 2386
Number of Releases: 2467
Number of Collections: 16
Number of Bottles Left to Drink: 1575
Number of Bottles Tracked: 3367
Number of Winery Ratings: 95
Number of Release Ratings: 37
478 Pictures of 67 Wineries
646 Pictures of 414 Releases